Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3oh!3 and me.

It's a long, quiet school day in sleepy Boulder. In a small classroom at the University of Colorado tired students lay across desks, nursing icky hangovers as some monotone prof drones on about the importance of Electromagnetism. A scrawny, dark haired student by the name of Nathaniel Motte lightly drums his fingers on a lab table, a lab table he is sharing with some sleeping stranger's forehead. The drowsy fellow, Sean Foreman, is stirred from his drug-induced slumber. Lazily looking up at the source of the rhythm...
"Dude... Do you like music?"
"Yeah, dude....Do you?"
They separately ponder over this newfound information.
"Yea, dude?"
"You wanna, like....start a band?"
Sooooooo this might not be exaaaactly how the story went for now-buddies Sean Foreman and Nathaniel Motte, the charismatic duo that currently comprises the crazy electronica band, 3oh!3, but you get the gist. "Why would I create such an elaborate back-story in my head?" you ask? Well, mayyyybe because their 2008 album, "Want", is my pick for best of the recent months. That, or the fact that I have a psychotic imagination that no longer allows my better senses to put a cork in it. Come to think of it, it's probably more of a combination of the two.

Anywhoooooo, GREAT ALBUM. If you like neon, sweating, and getting your face rocked off, you will love this album. You should also work on teleporting yourself back to the 80s because I get the feeling you'd dig that too. By far the best song is "Don't Trust Me". A cheeky little diddy that'll get you goin and make you wanna shake your ass in someone's face who's an assface.....or is that just me? My little sissy seems to disagree with me, claiming the song "PUNKB*TCH" (no i did not add the asterik for good measure. That is actually how it appears.) is the best. But, with lyrics like "Slip 60 in her panties," I feel slightly uncomfortable hearing the verses come out of her pre-pubescent mouth. But then again, who am I to judge?

As for the "me." segment of this blogpost that the title implies, I got nothing. Life is crazy-busy right now, but packed with, I fear, nothing that would excite the masses (That is to say I simply must cater to the giant following of devoted blog-readers we have here.). My current stressor is a direct result of being a member of the OU Ad Association. Right now we are working on a national competition to create an ad campaign directed at college students to encourage them to drink responsibly. I think it's safe to say after racking my brain for several hours in attempt to come up with an advertising miracle, my creative juices are at an all-time low. School is taking a backseat, but what's new? What's college if you don't skip a class or 5 every now and then?

I'm off to go iron a picture of myself onto a t-shirt to give to my friend as a bday present.


p.s.- Mackenzie.....Nickelback? Isn't it enough that I had to hear "look at this photo-graph..." 3498748945948579384743 times last summer?

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