Monday, January 26, 2009

"You Look Better With Something In Your Mouth"????....

Oddly enough, I think the best album that has recently come out is Nickelback's "Dark Horse".
Who am I, right? I don't like country, I certainly have not enjoyed Nickelback's scratchy voice value ever,and have not failed to mention that to those around me. So, what's the difference with this album that my 45 year old uncle referred me to? I just like it. And it holds some sentimental value, so I'm allowed to say, in my own opinion, that it is the best album that has recently been released. Sentimental value, you ask? Maybe I've been watching way too much Rock of Love and this type of music has become my pre-gaming pump up music before viewing, but you're wrong. Some songs on CD, like "Something in Your Mouth, " definitely may lead one to believe that I may like to wear thigh-high leather boots, silver lip-stick, and have 4 inch-long nails with an "I love Bret" tattooed on some obscene place on my body, but my friends, this is not my sentimental valued reason.
I am pertaining more closely to the song, "if today was your last day". It's the second to last song on the CD and it was played in my step father's slideshow at his memorial service. He passed away this past December and he wasn't the silver-lipstick "something in your mouth" kind of person, but he definitely understood and had a large appreciation to the humor in songs like that. He always sat outside in the garage listening to oldies and every once in a while he liked bands like 3 doors down, or the album my uncle had suggested for my mom to buy him for Christmas this year, Nickelback. I definitely think he would have enjoyed this CD. It isn't similiar to what he was used to me listening to, he definitely did not like rap or hip hop of any kind.My step dad was a classics kind of person. He loved The Eagles, The Doobie Brothers, The Beatles, The Who, etc, etc... You get the idea.
So Nickelback's CD... "if today was your last day" is another one of those ballads that once the single comes out I believe will have the potential to be Really quite overplayed on the radio and will get a lot of people who don't normally listen to nickelback- like myself- to either become attached from relating it with someone they love or just take it for its sound quality and catchy lyrics. Immediately following "if today was your last day" is the song "This Afternoon". And just as quickly as "if today was your last day" brought me to tears, so did "this afternoon," because this is a happy go lucky tune that I know my step dad would be blaring in our garage at 2 am singing making us laugh--even though we were ready to go to bed-- he refused to stop having a good time and being silly. I can see myself listening to this on the radio this summer, probably drinking by the pool or sitting by a fire.
Many of the other songs could definitely have a Bret Micheals, "Rock of Love" vibe... and I want you all to know, thats okay...
I think that nickelback did a good job on this Cd and has kept a consistency with their sound and style, all the same making music that's going to be liked because of the meaning and enjoyment that goes along with the songs. I think the raspy vocals have also been toned down, which is desirable.
So, for this album I can say that it really isn't my style of music, but I think it can go under the category of music you know and like because your parents listen to it. It's not something you would download the day the album was released in high anticipation, but these songs will find their way to you, I promise. They're going to find their way onto the radio and countdowns, as their first single already has,"gotta be somebody", and they may become overplayed and Chad Kroeger's voice will probably start to bother you... But hey, it is gonna be good the first time you hear some of these ones! So just know that you'll at least enjoy it once or twice :)

Now as for Athens, Ohio and my life this instant=> is busy, but in a good way. I haven't been too anxious or nervous about my first few exams- that's been nice, but I also haven't recieved any of my scores for these first few exams therefore this attitude may be changing quickly. I'll take it for what it's worth for now... I NEED TO BUY A MUSIC DOWNLOADING SERVICE. This may also be a reason why I am choosing Nickelback as my favorite new album. Because it is one of the only new albums I have heard. You would learn, if you lived in Athens, that you become cut off to the real world, pop culture society, because you live in the middle of nowhere and the only type of cultural stimulous is whatever court street has to offer you. I just bought the new issue of Interview Magazine and I'm SO excited to read it. I really also need to subscribe to that magazine. I find it so interesting and actually valuable "famous-person-obsession material" instead of like US magazine or PEOPLE, not to say I don't totally enjoy reading those either.. and also will admit to it being completely pathetic... but in Interview Magazine, its just all interviews with famous people, or people who have some type of significance with art, movies, some type of production hooplah and---- so yeah it's really interesting to read what they have to say and to actually kind of get into their minds, because thats the most interesting part of a person right? I have an interview with Zac Posen taped to my wall in my dorm room from Marie Claire magazine and it was so fascinating- I loved his answers he just seemed like he would just truly have a sense of fabulousness around him if I were to meet him in real life. But anyways!!! Abby is meeting me downstairs now to enjoy some Hot Hot dining Hall food- awful. ch-ch-check it out.

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