Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Teenage Wasteland.

I work hard. Wait, no, I take that back. Correction......NOW, I work hard. Now, I work my ass off. Now, I run around this godforsaken campus at such a fervent pace that by the time all is said and done you can literally see fragments of my asscheeks littering every inch of College Green. With that said( and quite graphically, I must say), I havn't always been this way. Far from it actually.
Yes, there was a time when I lazed. I lazed long and I lazed hard. When I first got to college as a freshman and began said lazing, I spent a good portion of my time wondering what all the fuss was about. College, for lack of better words, seemed fucking easy. I drank all night, most days, and took as few and far between 101 classes as studently possible. I made ridiculous friendships with outlandish characters and shit the days away doing godknowswhat godknowswhere with godknowswho. We thought we were living the life, and, for the time being, we were.

Freshman year was one of the greatest times of my life. I left Athens after one year chockfull of crazy times and with a G.P.A that, luckily, didn't correspond. I went on to spend the entire summer working at a day camp for little kids. I have no idea what massive debt I must have been incurring at the time that would have had the ability to force me into a job in which I would even have to SEE kids, let alone take care of them. I was pretty much a one-hit-wonder on the babysitting circuit in my hood (not one-hit as in "I actually hit the kids", but more like "I might as well have been beating the living daylights out of them for the sheer terror I think I inadvertently put in their little souls"), if that gives you any idea of my child-rearing capacity. Long story short- I went to the camp, played a little batter-on-the-bounce, drank 8 trillion juice boxes, and fell in love (with the children, that is. no such luck for my real love-life). The rest is Oakley (name-of-camp) history.

I returned to Athens in the Fall, but something had changed. I squatted down in my dorm room, making a GC on the GF (this is an acronym for the timeless dormfood classic we have come to know and love as a "grilled cheese on the george forman(grill)"). 'A Real Chance at Love's theme song blared out of my gigantic television as I sat down on my crusty futon to enjoy the gourmet dish. It was all so familiar. I had done it a hundred times in the past 3 quarters, yet somehow it was different now. I was older. I had done more...seen more....lived more.
I don't know where you think I might be going with this, but let me stop you before you start. Trust me. I know. There is always value in relaxing. Everyone needs that guilty pleasure. That time to themselves to maybe just do nothing else but enjoy the pure, unadulterated, nothingness that is 'Rock of Love with Brett Michaels'. I get it.

I'm just here to say that there IS more. It's so easy to be lazy, and oftentimes our asses feel like they weigh 5 million pounds more than our beer-guts (which I trust is not always the case). But there comes a point when you must DO SOMETHING. Anything. It doesn't even have to be the right thing, cause most of the time there isn't one. But just get out there. You gotta put all that life inside of you in motion. Because nothin's gonna happen to you just sittin in your room/dorm/apt/house/bathroom (aside from the fact that your brain cells will slowly deteriorate and rot, along with your will to live......haha kidding!).

So LIVE life. Let it get the very best of you. Something should.

p.s.> so that is my cheeeeezefest inspirational schtick for now...i promise i wont be servin up McTestimonials daily like RevRun. pinky swear.

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