Monday, April 27, 2009

Yo Girl whachyo name is? My names J bEatz and I'm Famousss <3

<- i dont think i will ever get enough of these wonderful woman.

So i've been super busy this spring quarter. Unfortunately, many of the other campus reps worknig with platform1 are indeed on semesters, whereas here at OU we are one of the.. mm, maybe 2 schools in Ohio still on quarters. So inconviently i have had two sets of midterms and on set of finals as of now for the duration of the CMI, and that is no excuse, but i have been falling behind on my Platform1 representative duties regretfully.
I really want to check out kid cudi somewhere this summer, he has grown to be someone that I really enjoy getting into-- i don't think his lyrics are too gripping, but i don't think that always makes music what it is, sometimes you want that numbing reptetitive beat replaying over and over in your head.
Locally, I am looking forward to 6 fest.. OU is known for their fests during the spring, and besides 6 fest, i don't know how students afford 7 kegs and bands in their back yards, but i will take it!
So anyways, I consider 6 fest a concert. 6 Fest is about 14, 000 college students in a field with some talented, and some just obnoxiously high black rappers, performing on stage while these 14,000 some students get blacked out and expose themselves in the woods when its time to relieve themselves. It's as close to chaos as one would like to get and it is a fabulous time. This is going to be my 2nd year attending, and artists like Apocalypse Inc, whom I've A&r'ed will be performing, as well as Downplay and Jetsy BEATZ! -- both of which i just got to watch perform this past weekend at Arkfest...
So here's the deal- takes WAY too long to load, and is a bitch when it freezes.
i love how Ohio goes straight from Winter to Summer in a week. LITERally.
In my head I am done with school even if I still have 5 weeks left to go--- I'm not officially done until june 18th, How Sad is that?? but if i have to be anywhere, I'm glad I'm in Athens, Ohio. All the bars are located within 2 blocks of one another, and there will be a fest each weekend until June 18th when I'm finished.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

rain rain go away

FAVE CMI: On Blast, particularly "optimistic". lets just say i've played it a lot.

FAVE CMI REG: The Features, which are probably the closest regionally as it gets as well as how much i like their song "lions"

Monday, April 20, 2009

if music makes the movie then what makes the man?

some of the best movie if you didn't know.....

-Almost Famous
-The Last Waltz (yes we are counting it)
-Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
-Across the Universe
-The Shining

Sunday, April 5, 2009

To Twitter or Not To Twitter???

Where the Wild Things Are seems like it is going to be a phenomenal movie. I am so so so excited for it to come out. As far as the indie music flows-> it is an interesting pattern that is definitely prominent in movie soundtrack selection, and even reminds me of tv drama series such as greys anatomy, which is also flirting with the electro-something or other genre that follows suit. For some reason the mood that indie creates truly strikes something for me, and I definitely feel that it Made the trailor for Where the Wild Things Are. October 16 is so far from now... we actually just had a discussion in my interpersonal communications class about how our generation is child-centric and whatever that is supposed to mean, maybe there is a direct connection with the dominance of indie music- if indie music could possibly be considered child-centric...i find it maturing in emotion but maybe the bells and sounds and whatnot is what child-driven, aren't we all just trying to relive the child within us? I remember playing dolls for entire days at a time. Hours would pass with plots and diologue and outfits and dates and families and babies... I dont know- am i making Any connections?
umm and to be perfectly honest, i really don't know eaach of the different song scenes that in the past were my favorite-- but i can say one that strikes me deep and i can recall... The kissing scene in Romeo and Juliet with leo and claire... OH HOW I LOVE THAT MOVIE. and the song "kissing you" by Des'ree. Oh My My My. im telling you what. i love william shakespere and this movie-- the cinematic techniques bring a wonderful side to the story.. so yes that.